Local Electricians Near Me

Electrical Installation
Condition Report

Our electricians are qualified to inspect and test fixed electrical installations and issue EICR’s to landlords for private rental properties.

During a visit, our electricians will check your fixed wire installations throughout your property.

All checks are completed to EICR British Standard BS 7671, a certificate is provided following the visit.

An EICR will pick up on any of the following defects:

An EICR check will detail electrical risks into the following categories with C1, C2 and FI codes are a legal requirement to be fixed.

C1 (Danger present); requires immediate remedial work.
C2 (Potential danger present); urgent remedial action required.
C3 (Improvement recommended); remedial work should be considered.
FI (Further investigation needed).
Unlike some contractors, we can start resolving C1, C2 and FI fail codes while on-site.

Our team can help with any EICR questions you may have, please Get In Touch.


To ensure our customers receive a high standard of workmanship and professionalism, our company is accredited and monitored by several trade and industry bodies.